Monday, August 17, 2009

Tex the engineer

Optometrist: So what school are you going to this year?
Tex: I'm homeschooled.
O: Oh yeah? What grade are you doing?
T: I'm second grade.
O: And what's your favorite subject?
T: Engineering, of course!! :-)

At the advice of one of the books I'm reading, I asked Tex the other day what sorts of things he wanted to explore and learn this year. His immediate answer was "engineering and architect", and he further explained that he wanted to learn how to build a big, strong house of cards, a bamboo fishing pole, bamboo tent, and a paper spear (Mythbusters strike again?). The tent and fishing pole also led us to his desire to learn "survival skills", so Daddy-O (an Eagle Scout himself) suggested we get a Cub Scout manual and start learning some age-appropriate outdoor skills. I also received a fortuitous email from a homeschool list I'm on announcing the presence of an Outdoor Adventure Club that takes monthly nature hikes and camping trips! Sign us up!

Also, I have laid down the law regarding television on homeschool days. Now, since the TV my kids watch is almost exclusively "educational" in nature (yes, lately the occasional Transformers episode has slipped in) I don't stress too much if we go over the recommended daily allowance. So they are allowed to watch a little in the morning before we "start our day" (meaning: before Mommy is conscious enough to deal), a little bit during Monkeygirl's naptime when I need those crazies to be settled anyway, and a little bit when I'm making dinner and again need them entertained.

I'm looking forward to starting the practice of having Table Time for everyone during the day, so that I can help with the word puzzles that are too difficult to do at bedtime, or watch one child build a contraption while another paints. I love watching my children work in their own ways to get things done! And since I stocked up on science kits and the like during Target's Summer toy clearance time we have a lot of stuff ready to go, which is nice when you're dealing with little kids who want it to be ready the minute you even mention it's a possibility. ;-) Today is our first day, so wish us luck!


  1. So...define "a little" in terms of "a little tv while making dinner, during Monkeygirl's naps, etc."

    I seriously need to cut back our TV time around here.

  2. Honestly, "a little" is still far more than what "they" say is appropriate, but... I guess this is just where it doesn't matter as much to me. I'd say that depending on the day (and realizing that after a few weeks we'll hopefully be on the light end of things) they probably watch 1 - 1 1/2 hours in the morning, another 1 1/2 during lunch, and then an hour during dinner prep. But again, it's mostly educational shows like Cyberchase, Word Girl, Fetch with Ruff Ruffman, Mythbusters, and videos we get from the library, and I know they pick stuff up from them that is useful. So, I deal.

  3. Well, we're mostly in the same boat then. that's about how much mine watch too.
