Monday, December 14, 2009

Will wonders never cease

It seemed too early to say something when, not two days after my last post, Tex discovered that he does NOT, in fact, suck at reading. However, since we've now had several days of increased confidence and improved reading, I'm going to go ahead and call it: Tex is A Reader! The lightbulb went off one evening as he had just completed an email to his Papa regarding their plans for the upcoming Sunday playdate. He had written, almost entirely by himself, the subject line of "What to do Sunday", and then the sentence "What's your plan, Papa?". He even had it correctly punctuated! About an hour later Papa replied, and Tex sat down to read it. There were several sentences there, but Tex just started breezing right through the words, reading most of them automatically and stopping to sound out a few, only needing close assistance with two or three. He was halfway through the email when he literally stopped short, shouted "I'm reading!", and then kept going, completely tickled with himself. The following day he said "Mommy, I think I'm a proficient reader now." I told him I was so glad that he was feeling confident in himself. In reality I was relieved all the way down to my toenails, but I can't let him catch me caring about stuff like that or he feels pressured. ;-)

We have some big plans coming up. We have family in Atlanta, GA, and a Christmas party there soon. We plan to take the leisurely way down, stopping at the Tellus Science Museum in Cartersville, which includes exhibits where you can dig for fossils or pan for gold! We're planning to have tons of fun. Then during our time in ATL we will visit the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Visitor's Center to get an idea of the history of our nation's money and see cool stuff like where they shred the old bills. At the end of the tour the kids will even get a bag of shredded money to KEEP! Why do I see a raid on Scotch tape in their future?

We will also be taking a trip on the MARTA subway system at Noodle's request. Thanks to all his city planning decisions in SimCity he's developed an interest in all public transportation. Today we were out at a park feeding cracked corn to the geese, and I heard Noodle's squeaky voice yelling "Mommy, I saw a city bus! It's different from a school bus!!" But his big interest is light rail and his big Atlanta wish is to ride the subway. He was just disappointed to hear that Atlanta doesn't also have an elevated train or monorail we could ride for purposes of comparison. Guess we'll just have to plan a trip to DisneyWorld and ride the monorail there. Whoops, I think I just heard DaddyO's heart grind to a stop at the thought of shepherding 3 young children through the Magic Kingdom, better go check on that. ;-)